19th-century buildings in the city centre

19th-century buildings in the city centre

19th-century buildings in the city centre


A complex of art nouveau and eclectic tenement houses on ul. Wojska Polskiego 15, 38, 57; Mickiewicza 11; Armii Krajowej 10, 18, 20, 21, 23, 25, 33, 35, 37, 42, 58; 3 maja 10; Chopina 12. The tenement houses the Armii Krajowej (number 23) and the Wojska Polskiego (number 38) are the examples of the Viennese art nouveau. The building on the Wojska Polskiego is particularly original; it represents exceptionally unique blazing art nouveau. In the newly redecorated house, with a beautiful illumination on the Armii Krajowej (number 21) the School of Art’s is situated now. On the sidewall of the building on the Piłsudskiego there is a Krzysztof Hartknoch’s sketch depicting Ełk and all its historical arms.